
The Forest Home Improvement Association

The Forest Home Improvement Association is established for the purpose of preserving and enhancing the quality of life in Forest Home.

By meeting and working together, the members of this Association intend to:

  1. Involve ourselves in the planning of the construction and maintenance of public and private facilities such as our roads, street lighting, walkways, landscaping, and structures so that Forest Home will continue to be a desirable residential area;
  2. Involve ourselves in the planning and implementation of public and private policies with respect to matters such as our fire prevention, automobile traffic, public safety, schooling for children, and zoning in order to continue Forest Home as a desirable residential area;
  3. Encourage residents to engage in such social, cultural, and neighborly activities as may promote the common welfare.

All residents of Forest Home may become members of the Association by attending a meeting. Non-members with an interest in the purposes of the Association shall be encouraged to participate in our activities, but shall have no vote.

The officers of this Association shall be a President, Vice President, and a Secretary-Treasurer. They shall be elected at the Annual Meeting, to the extent possible, and shall serve for one year terms, or until their successors are elected.

The Nominating Committee shall be composed of the four past presidents when possible, with the Immediate Past President acting as chair. Where reasonable, the Vice President shall be a candidate to succeed the current President.

The officers of the Association, together with the Immediate Past President, shall have the following powers and duties in addition to those specified in Robert’s Rules of Order:

  1. They shall represent the Forest Home Improvement Association in meetings with public authorities, other organizations, and private persons in order to communicate the views of the Association;
  2. They shall attempt to bring to the membership all information which can reasonably be gathered, formally and informally, and which may assist the Association in attaining its purposes;
  3. They shall negotiate with others on behalf of the Association, as may be directed by the members.

To the extent practical, meetings of the Association shall be held at least once a year, at the call of the President, with the Annual Meeting to be held in the month of October. If possible, at least one week’s notice shall be given. Special meetings shall be called by the President on petition of ten members. Fifteen members shall constitute a quorum.

The current revision of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the conduct of the Association and its meetings unless otherwise provided for in these By-Laws.

These By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote at any regular meeting, provided that at least two weeks’ notice is given.

Approved: September 23, 1987
Amended: February 10, 1992