Spring Clean Up
- It is time for our annual FHIA Neighborhood Spring Clean Up. The date is Sat. Apr. 17 , 9:30 am – 1:00 pm. The rain date is Sun., Apr. 18. The event will still be socially distanced, as it was last year. This offers flexibility to those who prefer to maintain distance. You aren’t expected to work the entire time. That is just when Herb and I will be available. Do what you can. Herb and I will provide two trash grabbers, work gloves and plastic bags for debris. We’ll leave them by our back door at 120 Warren Rd. When you are done, simply return the gear and bags and we’ll take the trash to the Tompkins County Solid Waste and Recycling Center. Areas usually covered include Warren Rd. up to the street lamps, Forest Home Drive up to the upstream bridge (near Caldwell Rd.), Forest Home Park and Judd Falls and McIntyre Rd. You can also just clean up around your own house. Use caution when working near the road and if you want a work buddy, ask us and we’ll gladly join you.